February 22, 2025

Institute of Instrumentation and Electromagnetic Measurement

[China Instrument Network Conference Report] The China Electromagnetic Measurement Information Processing Instrumentation Branch of the China Instrument Society held a seven-member second-person governing expanded meeting on August 17-18, 2014 in Zibo. The conference convened the 5th Electromagnetic Measurement and Instrumentation Academic Development direction theme seminar."

Conference by the China Instrument and Control Society electromagnetic measurement information processing instrumentation branch, China Institute of measurement and testing electromagnetic professional committee, China Electrical Engineering Society testing technology and instrumentation special committee, Shandong Jibao Electric Co., Ltd., Zibo Ji Bao Transformer Institute, "Electricity "Measure and Instrument" magazine co-sponsored.

Li Zhaoyang, deputy director of the Electromagnetic Measurement Information Processing Instrument Branch of the China Instrument and Instrument Society chaired the meeting. Zi Shengyin, Director of the Zibo Science and Technology Bureau, Zhang Mingyuan, executive director of the China Instrument and Control Society and director of the Harbin Institute of Electrical Instrument Research, Zhang Jinfeng, director of the National Electrical Instrument Productivity Promotion Center and deputy director of the Harbin Institute of Electrical Instrumentation attended the meeting.

The chief director of the Electromagnetic Measurement Information Processing Instrument Branch of the China Instrument and Control Society and the Chief Engineer Jiang Dachuan of Holley Instrument Group Co., Ltd. read out an introduction to Mr. Zhang Zhonghua, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Chairman of the Electromagnetic Measurement and Information Processing Instrument Branch of the China Instrument and Meter Association. He Han; Vice President of the Electromagnetic Measurement Information Processing Instrument Branch of the China Instrument and Meter Society, and Zhao Weibo, Director of the Tsinghua University; 2013-2014 Annual Report; Vice President of the Electromagnetic Measurement and Information Processing Instrument Branch of the China Instrument and Instrument Society and Director of the Shanghai Instrument and Instrument Research Institute The key work report of 2014 was given; the Vice Chairman of the Electromagnetic Measurement Information Processing Instrument Branch of the China Instrument and Control Society and the Director of the China Institute of Metrology Science He Qing made instructions for supplementing and revoking the relevant directors; China Institute of Instrumentation and Electromagnetic Measurement Information Processing Vice Chairman of the Instrument Branch and Vice President Hou Xingzhe of the Electric Power Research Institute of Chongqing Electric Power Company announced the winners of the excellent papers and issued the certificates; the above agenda was submitted to the General Assembly for approval.

The “The 5th Symposium on the direction of academic development of electromagnetic measurement and instrumentation” received a total of 103 papers. After the review by the expert review team, 40 outstanding papers were selected and included in the Supplement to the “Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation”, among them, by experts in the industry. After many rounds of professor selection, 3 first prizes, 5 second prizes and 8 outstanding prizes were awarded. The conference presented certificates to the authors.

First prize:

1. Fu Zhuang, Zhao Wei, Li Shisong, Tsinghua University, “A definition of instantaneous reactive power density of single-phase circuit based on local linearization”

2. Measurement Center of Yubei Electric Power Co., Ltd. Tian Haiting, Yuan Ruiming, Ju Hanji, Wang Chen, Li Siqi, Yi Zhonglin, Li Jianbiao “Electrical Energy Metering Influenced by Low-voltage Power Line Narrow-band Carrier Signals”

3. Chinese Academy of Metrology, Han Bing, He Qing, Zhang Zhonghua, Li Zhengkun, Wang Shaohua, Li Chen, Wang Yongrui "Selection of main magnetic field measurement performance index of magnetic resonance imaging instrument"

second prize:

1. Liu Shui, Huang Yangjie, Luo Fushu, Metrology Center of Jiangxi Electric Power Company, “Discussion on GIS Current Transformer Field Calibration Method”

2. State Grid Hubei Electric Power Company Electric Power Research Institute SONG Quanqing, TIAN Hua, WEI Shengqing, CHANG Yongli, JIANG Xuedong “Application Scheme of Acquisition System Based on Dual-Channel Automatic Switching Technology”

3, Jiangsu Electric Power Research Institute of Electric Power Liu Jian, Xu Qing, Wang Zhongdong, Cai Qixin, Huang Qifeng "DC magnetic field and static electricity on the impact of smart meter simulation analysis"

4. Shandong Province Institute of Metrology, Li Wenqiang, Yang Mei, Ma Xuefeng, Guan Zexin, “Key Issues in Energy Metering Alignment”

5. Wu Xiaotong, Huang Yan, Wang Huanning, Bao Xuejun, Zhao Zhihua, Beijing Institute of Metrology and Detection, “Study and Establishment of Intelligent Metering Evaluation System and Real-time Monitoring Platform”

Excellence Award:

1. Shijiazhuang Colin Electric Co., Ltd. Chen Hongyu, Zhao Hongjie, Hou Zhiwei, Li Wei, Hao Lijia, “Implementation of a new type of agricultural table and its application system”

2. Jiangyin Changyi Group Co., Ltd. Yan Shufang, Zhang Xiaodong, Zhu Guofu, Chen Wenzao "Discussion on distributed power generation measurement technology"

3, Shandong Electric Power Research Institute, Wang Yunquan, Zhu Yajun, Yang Weihua, Tian Yijia, Lin Hao, “A New Type of Single-phase Smart Meter Site Detection Device”

4. Research Institute of Electric Power, Jiangsu Electric Power Corporation, Xu Qing, Ji Feng, Bao Jin, He Hongyun, “Micro-power wireless network technology applied to centralized meter reading system”

5. Metering Center of Sichuan Electric Power Company He Peidong, Zhang Junsheng, Liu Peng, Hu Juan, Liu Wei, “Design and Implementation of Smart Grid Metering System”

6. Shanghai Institute of Metrology and Measurement Technology Wang Yili, Pan Yang, Zhou Liren, Wu Minyan, Zhu Jianping, “Study on the Calibration Method of DC Small Ammeters”

7. Ankerui Electric Co., Ltd. Ji Xiaochun, Wang Jianhua, Liu Jianchun, Wang Junwei "Smart Grid APF-SVG Harmonic Compensation Control Strategy"

8. State Grid Yichun Power Supply Company Wang Kai, Zhang Hao, and Wang Ying “Multiple Measures to Improve Energy Information Collection and Management”

9. Tian Hua, Peng Xiang, Shen Li, Chang Yongli, Jiang Xuedong, “Research and Application of Micropower Wireless and Carrier Dual Channel Meter Reading Technology”, State Grid Hubei Electric Power Company Electric Power Research Institute Tian Hua, Peng Xiang, Shen Li, Chang Yongli, Jiang Xuedong

It is reported that the "Seminar on the theme of academic development of electromagnetic measurement and instrumentation" has been held for five consecutive sessions. The conference was hosted by Shandong Jibao Electric Co., Ltd. and Zibo Ji Bao Transformer Institute. Participants were from the power system, measurement and inspection. Universities, colleges, research institutes and industry enterprises have played an active role in promoting the development of electromagnetic measurement and electrical instrumentation technology and industry progress, and provide a good platform for technical exchanges for scientific and technical personnel and scientific and technical workers.

The seventh session of the member representative assembly should attend 145 member representatives, and actually have 98 member representatives. The number of delegates attending the meeting exceeds 2/3 of the total number of the member representatives, meeting the requirements of the council's working regulations regarding the election of the council, and the election is valid. The 145 candidates for the council were all more than two-thirds of the votes. They were elected as directors of the seventh council of the Electromagnetic Surveying Information Processing Instrument Branch of the China Instrument and Meter Society.

At the meeting, the China Electromagnetic Measurement Information Processing Instrumentation Branch of the China Instrument and Instrument Society awarded the bronze medal to the deputy director-general unit, standing director unit, and governing unit.



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