September 28, 2024

·The motor vehicle "oil to gas" is intended to stop the risk of modification

The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) recently issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further Strengthening the Safety Management of Motor Vehicles "Oil to Gas" (Draft for Comment), and intends to stop the use of motor vehicles to "oil to gas." Since the "Draft for Comment" relates to the "oil to gas" industry of the motor vehicle that has formed the industrial chain and the vehicle cost of the relevant owners, it will even affect the market size of the natural gas industry.
In recent years, gas vehicles have developed rapidly, playing an important role in reducing vehicle emissions and diversifying automotive energy. In the primary development stage of gas vehicles, in some areas, in order to promote the development of gas vehicles, it is necessary to convert fuel vehicles into fuel-fired dual-fuel vehicles or gas-fueled vehicles.
According to reports, due to the use of motor vehicles "oil to gas" does not comply with the road traffic safety law and vehicle production enterprises and product announcements, the regulatory system is not perfect, the ability of the modified enterprise is uneven, the use of motor vehicles "oil to gas "The use of vehicle-specific gas appliances lacks effective quality assurance and testing, etc., and cannot guarantee the safety performance and legal use of vehicles that use "moose-to-gas" vehicles. When vehicles use "oil to gas" vehicles, there are accidents. occur.
Gas vehicles have sufficient capacity to promote “oil to gas” and have been called to stop in West China City. The reporter learned that with the development of gas automobile manufacturing, at present, there are more than 40 domestic gas automobile manufacturers, which are included in the announced gas automobile production enterprises. Products have been able to meet market demand. In order to ensure the safe use of gas vehicles, standardize and strengthen the safety supervision of modified vehicles, the "Draft for Comment" proposes to stop the use of motor vehicles to "oil to gas" and strengthen the supervision of modified vehicles. It is understood that the motor vehicle in use refers to a motor vehicle that is licensed according to the national or local motor vehicle emission standards and needs to be regularly tested.
The opinions include the suspension of the use of motor vehicles to "oil to gas"; increase the supervision of modified vehicles; severely crack down on illegal illegal modification, and strictly prohibit the private modification of gas vehicles on the road, gas stations are strictly prohibited to refit gas vehicles to refuel, Increase the intensity of investigation and punishment of illegal activities.
According to the "Draft for Comment", the use of motor vehicles to stop "oil to gas" will affect existing users. Li Yongchang, a special expert of China Automotive Engineering Society, said that it is impossible for stock users to purchase new cars. In addition, natural gas vehicles in the domestic market have only low-end vehicles of less than 100,000 yuan. The price of original natural gas vehicles is higher than that of "oil to gas". the reason.
Can significantly reduce the cost of using the car "oil to gas" is popular. The so-called "oil to gas" is for the fuel engine car modification. In the modified car, the fuel-powered system is retained and a gas supply system is installed. The owner can switch between gasoline and compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as needed.
The Huaxi City Reader interviewed the vehicle management office and the gas station to learn that the "oil-to-gas" motor vehicles are mostly low-end private cars with taxis and prices below 100,000 yuan. It is understood that in the northeastern region of Sichuan, the cost of "oil to gas" for each car is around 3,500 yuan to 6,500 yuan.
At the exit of a gas station in Nancheng, Dazhou, Mr. Liu, the owner of Jetta, who just finished steaming, said, “In fact, we all know that 'oil to gas' has a certain degree of damage to the engine of the vehicle, but the price difference between gasoline and natural gas is low. The owners of a car are attractive, so many low-priced vehicles have been modified. The owners of high-end cars are caring for vehicles, and the second is not sensitive to oil price, so it will not be easily modified."
"'Oil to gas' is really cost-effective." Nanbin citizen Lu Bin said: "The conversion fee for my Poussin car is more than 6,000 yuan. According to the calculation of 50 kilometers per day, I can save more than 500 yuan a month. Recover the cost of changing the car.
The risk of “oil to gas” is relatively high. In the auto insurance contract clauses of many insurance companies, the reporters have found that “the insurance vehicle is modified, retrofitted or engaged in business transportation, etc., resulting in an increase in the risk of insurance vehicles, the owner should promptly notify in writing The insurance company, otherwise the insurance company will not be liable for the insured accident caused by the increased risk of the insurance vehicle." Then, if you tell the insurance company, can you get the claim for the "oil-to-gas" car? The reporter called a number of insurance companies to understand that different insurance companies have different treatment methods.
A staff member of the auto insurance department of an insurance company in Dazhou said that even if the private car notified the insurance company, it could not ensure that the claim was smooth. Since there is no specific type of insurance for "oil to gas" vehicles, once a traffic accident occurs, whether the accident is related to the owner's private modification, or the extent of the association, there are no exact rules to follow.
The Road Traffic Safety Law clearly stipulates that “assembling a motor vehicle or arbitrarily changing the registered structure, structure or characteristics of a motor vehicle” is an illegal act. In other words, changing the color and structure of the vehicle privately can not be passed when the car is reviewed.
A staff member of the Guang'an Vehicle Management Office said that some private car owners and small business owners arbitrarily “oil-to-gas” the vehicles. In order to pass the annual review, the natural gas gas equipment was removed before the annual review, and the annual review was completed. . He reminded the relevant owners that the risk of modification of the gas system is relatively high. In the event of an accident, the insurance company will not make compensation because it has not been approved by the vehicle management department, so it is necessary to think twice about “oil to gas”.

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